Wednesday, April 13, 2016

66: Here we go again

Again, the need to type out a whole chunk of feelings. Before that, I am having mixed feelings about the holiday ending. I'm happy because I feel like I'm ready to work hard again (which I highly predict the streak to only last for a maximum of 1 month). However, sad because I haven't really thoroughly enjoyed my holidays (well, I spent half of it getting fat and lazing at home and the other half slogging away). I initially planned for myself to have some me-time during this holidays like going for a movie alone, shopping alone, chill in a cafe alone, etc. But I have only shopped alone for the whole 2 months long holiday :( I mean, I tried going to watch a movie alone but there just wasn't any nice movies to watch so it wasn't my fault right... As for chilling in a cafe alone, I haven't came across any nice cafes to chill at. (Trust me to come up with ridiculous explanations to convince I'm not at fault)

Moving on to my main point of this post, I feel so stuck.

I have no idea why but I seem to always get attached to people so easily. Even spending 2 days working together has made me grown attached to the staff there. What in the world??? Okay before this sounds wrong any further, by growing attached, I don't mean it romantically but just that feeling... I have no idea how to put it. It's like I feel sad because I only work with some of the staff for only 2 days and I'm gone forever. As in, I won't be scheduled at the same store again because firstly, this week is my last week (due to school reopening). Secondly, I was only scheduled at the store because they were short of staff on that 2 days. Which means there's no need for me to stay as long as they have enough staff. What's more, they have more stores which will need part-timers to cover and that's when I come in handy.

I guess I'm feeling this way because the staff there are just so friendly (except for one which we will not let her ruin the good impression of other staff). I love how they always try their best to make me feel comfortable by chatting with me (since I'm such an anti-social). I would want to visit them during my free time but it's not like I have any reasons to since I'm not THAT close with them... I feel like I've grown attached "one-sidedly". Like, to them, I'm probably just another part-timer, come and go sort of thing. God, this always happens. The more I type, the more I have no idea where I'm heading to. To simplify it, I guess I just miss working with the people I've worked with. What sucks is that they probably don't feel the same way...

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